Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Very Sexy Amy Adams Graces The Cover Of Marie Claire

 A Very Sexy Amy Adams Graces The Cover Of Marie Claire

Wow! The girl has a baby and all of a sudden she’s a vixen! Check out Amy Adams on the cover of Marie Claire for their January edition. The actress is ready for the world to realize that she’s not as innocent as her movie roles. Guess we should all brace ourselves for the coming year because Amy is ready to break away from that image.
“I did one interview when I was pregnant, and the writer said he thought people would be surprised to know that I had sex,” says Adams. “I didn’t know what to say. I was like, ‘Excuse me if it takes a minute to process the fact that you think I’m asexual.’ Anyway, there’s something great about the world thinking I’m so innocent. Only it’s not true.”
Amy Adams stars alongside Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale in ‘The Fighter’ and director David O. Russell thought the role of ‘Charlene’ was PERFECT for her.
“I had met with David about another movie that didn’t happen. Then he called about The Fighter. I was in Ireland doing the movie Leap Year, and he sent me 20 pages of the script. I was nearly on page 20 when I was like, ‘Wait, which part is for me?’”
Adams says, laughing. “She was ready to play against type,” says Russell about choosing Adams. “A tough, sexy bitch. She has it and knows it, and she killed it. It opened up a whole side to her that’s exciting.” “What’s funny is that some people who’ve seen it have said, ‘Amy, you’re finally playing yourself!’” says Adams. “It’s not that she’s like me. It’s just that she’s less naive. My other characters haven’t been tested. She has been through it.”

And what about Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo getting married? Is that on her radar? It seems their schedules keep causing an issue.
” Darren and I would set a date, and then a project would come up and we’d push it. Then when we got pregnant, we were going to get married right away. And we will get married. But we didn’t want to rush and plan something just to do it the traditional way,” she explains.
For more about Amy, visit Marie Claire.