Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nas to Serve Christmas Dinners to HIV/AIDS Victims

 Rapper Nas is helping to spread some festive cheer among families affected by the deadly HIV/AIDS virus this Christmas by serving up a holiday feast in New York. The "I Can" star will join HIV/AIDS activist Maria Davis and restaurateur Melba Wilson to provide food to over 250 people and their relatives at the Second Annual Christmas Dinner in Harlem on Wednesday, December 22.

Author Maria Davis, whose Souls of My Sisters Books/Kensington Publishing Corporation will also support the event, tells AllHipHop.com, "An estimated 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV, and yet one out of five don't know it.
This holiday season our focus is on helping the families infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, and their support systems including; extended families, healthcare and case workers."

"I am especially proud that Nas and other celebrities can participate in providing inspiration during the holidays and share a word of thanks to the caretakers who work so hard to service this population."